It Begins! Again!

All right! Before I really get going, here's the plan!

I'm going to use this place to do a diary of the games I play and what I think about them.

Rather than do separate pages for each entry and a nice little table of contents, I'm just gonna list them all right here and let folks scroll, putting new stuff at the top. I'll worry about making it tidy and readable later. Right now, all that matters is starting to fill it out.

I have done this project several times before, but I hesitate to go back and use previous iterations because I've always ended up identifying myself in ways I don't like very much, so we begin once more from scratch.

The HTML is something I cobbled together as a literal child 20 years ago, so I'd say bear with me, but I'll work on it if I end up using this space more than I think I will.